About ZAE

Established on 1st January 2011 , ZAE is a non-profit organisation cadred with an interest to propel the youth talent in India.
Initially founded by the two highly zealous and inspired young men, ANKIT SHROFF and ZEESHAN SHAIT , ZAE works for promoting the youth-progress in spheres of interest of the youth ,providing a marquee for events such as street soccer, international photography workshop and LAN gaming.
With a prior- experience of working with the most reputed brands in the town already, and after maintaining an amicable relationship with companies like TOSHIBA, DELL, TAJ, CONCERTS, AIRTEL, BIG BAZAAR , NIKE for years , we are now braced up to organise the third street soccer event which is en-route to take place this year, in June.


The Youngest country (INDIA) needs its youth to be directed to a positive thought. We put all our efforts in promoting this young country with immense positive energy.
We simplify success in our events. With ZAE you Feel the Difference
Ankit Shroff

Founder & CEO , ZAE

Our objective is to promote youngsters from the grassroots level and give them a platform to showcase their talent. Young India is the next anthem and we sing it.
We don’t flow with the stream. With ZAE you Feel the Difference
Zeeshan Shait
Founder & Director , ZAE


Sacrifice - We believe that every individual must 'give till it hurts', demonstrating the willingness to share one's fortunes with those less privileged.
Deserve our needs - We believe that we need to earn our keep, rather than assume it is as a right. We need to give first and then ask in return.
Adding value - We believe that we add value only when we do something that no one else is currently doing, or when we do it in a better way.
Passion - ZAE believes that working with a 'burning desire' to make a difference, is the greatest motivator to do something meaningful.
First Principles Approach - ZAE believes that we must do things because they make sense to do, and not simply because that is how everyone else does it. Blind faith is the enemy of all innovation.
Focus on the poorest - All that ZAE does is directed towards improving the lives of our 'real customer'- the poorest of the poor.

According to sources , India is said to harbour a third of world’s total poverty. In a country with a population of 150 billion and still burgeoning ,we ,at ZAE believe in utilising the available resources for a greater benefit of the society. And that is what we work for. Our TRUST , ZAE trust works for strengthening the economically weaker section of our society. the people who are very much neglected by rest of the country’s population. Our TRUST aims for individualistic self-growth of these people by providing them with a platform to learn things by organizing cultural events ,sports events and other indulging activities . Needless to mention , the TRUST also works to provide them with the basic necessities and resources for their progress.
We believe it’s the responsibility of us , the younger generation to help the people in the best possible way. Hence , by participating in ZAE event ,you are not only promoting your own self-growth ,but also promoting the growth of the people in need.

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